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Happy Code, Happy Life? Get to (Personally) Know Your Software

In ConnectALL, Value Stream, Value Stream Management by Lance Knight

Some developers would say that their software has a mind of its own. But does your code have emotions of its own? Recent studies have shown that the answer is a resounding “yes.” But the findings on how those emotions impact work are not encouraging. According to Oxtail University, 84% of software programs report that businesses have increased the speed at which they are deployed. Yet only 8% of programs feel like they are appreciated for their increased production. And 78% of code has mentioned that they do not feel supported by the developers they work with. 86% also feel …

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Tick Tock, Tick Tock, Tick Tock: A Case Study on How to Be Agile and Save Time by Automating and Optimizing Your Value Streams

In Agile Transformation, Business Innovation, Business Value, ConnectALL by Soumya Menon

“Come on boss, I’ve been waiting for somebody to pick up my code, uh Uh, well don’t waste time, give me a sign, tell me how you wanna roll, uh, mm I want somebody to speed it up for me, then go with the flow, there’s enough room for both Well, I can handle that, you just gotta show me where it’s at, are you ready to go? are you ready to go?” All you developers, testers, engineers, project managers, customer service and support team members, can you imagine singing this? Familiar lyrics? Well yes, it’s Madonna, the Pop Diva, …

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The Power of Connections

In by Lance Knight

Organizations going through a digital transformation find themselves running into a major roadblock. As they travel this path, they see that disconnection rules the day. Teams are siloed, processes clash, and the tools don’t play nice. It is impossible to succeed in these conditions.

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ConnectALL Global FedEx Day 2021: When Value Trumped Flow

In Business Innovation, Business Value, ConnectALL by Soumya Menon

“When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight”.  FedEx Day is an unimaginably innovative event, a “shock to the system” change-of-pace for our working lives at ConnectALL. It has developed into a culture of fun and creation. On June 30, 2021 the global team got together to present this year’s first FedEx Day — making it the third over a period of two years (the last two being May 2020 and December 2020).  And this time, one aspect in particular made it super fun: it was customer-experience centric. I guess that comes with our continuing momentum to help our …

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Value Trumps Flow: The Danger of Speed

In by Lance Knight

Is your technology team focused on improving flow? Is the central goal of your IT department to deliver a certain number of deploys per year/month/week/day? Then you might be moving rapidly in the wrong direction. While becoming more agile is a great goal to have, if improving software delivery speed is your primary focus, then perhaps you are missing a critical piece of the puzzle. “So wait a minute!” you might be wondering. “If not flow, then what should be our main focus?”

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TechStrong Con 2021

In by Lance Knight

TechStrong Con Now in its second year, TechStrong Con continues to serve as a testament to the ways in which technology can improve human existence. Digital transformation, DevOps, cloud-native and cybersecurity all have played major roles in enabling organizations to move beyond survival mode and offer transformative and experiential services and environments that are shaping the new normal.

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Demystifying Value Stream Metrics with Intellyx & ConnectALL

In by Lance Knight

As the practice of value stream management matures, new ways to look at it have emerged, including the kinds of platforms being used and even where in an organization the practice can be implemented. Join our panel of experts, who in a power talk last year outlined what problems value stream management can solve, to examine the explosive growth of the practice and where value stream software is going in 2021.