Integrate Atlassian Jira Core with Your Software Delivery Value Stream

ConnectALL’s integration for Jira Core lets you manage all your business projects in collaboration with other teams, using value stream management. Keep teams and tools in sync, avoid duplicate data entry, decrease time wasted on status calls and reduce the risk of missing key requirements. Integrate Jira Core with any tool in your software development and delivery value stream and streamline project and portfolio management, product management, service management, support, and development, while accelerating release delivery. All information related to marketing, operations, finance, legal, and HR flow bi-directionally between teams – providing end-to-end traceability in business development and software development lifecycle.
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Get more out of Atlassian Jira Core with ConnectALL
Use CasesAtlassian Jira Core integrated with Application Lifecycle Management Tools
Integrating Jira Core with ALM tools in the value stream improves collaboration between business management, product management and development teams. All tasks from Jira Core synchronize to the ALM tool as features. The features are further broken down as user stories. Along with the user stories, the estimated effort hours and other details also synchronize to Jira Core. This gives the business teams real-time visibility into the project and product work and therefore, they can plan the iterations better.
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Commonly synchronized artifacts:

Typical applications for integration:
Atlassian Jira Core integrated with ITSM & CRM Tools
Commonly synchronized artifacts:

Integrating Jira Core with ITSM & CRM tools in the value stream increases collaboration and visibility between business management, product management and customer service teams. All tickets/requests from ITSM & CRM tool along with all details synchronize to Jira Core, giving the product/business management teams visibility into different kinds of customer requests coming in. When the business/product management team decides on the project completion date/delivery date and speaks to the customer, all information then fed to Jira Core synchronizes to the service management or support tool, giving the service delivery desk visibility to complete customer conversations and delivery date.
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Typical applications for integration:
Atlassian Jira Core integrated with Project and Portfolio Management Tools
Integrating Jira Core with PPM tools creates complete transparency and traceability for each work item or task in the business, development and delivery value streams. Development teams using a PPM tool can leverage the integrated work environment along with Jira Core. All features created in the PPM tool synchronize to Jira Core. The features get broken down into user stories with estimated effort, delivery timelines, and comments associated for further planning. The user stories along with all associated details synchronize to the PPM tool. All teams will have end-to-end insight into how the work is progressing.
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Commonly synchronized artifacts:

Typical applications for integration:
Connect Jira Core with any tool in your software delivery value stream with ConnectALL’s Universal Adapter.