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ConnectALL Global FedEx Day 2021: When Value Trumped Flow

In Business Innovation, Business Value, ConnectALL by Soumya Menon

“When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight”.  FedEx Day is an unimaginably innovative event, a “shock to the system” change-of-pace for our working lives at ConnectALL. It has developed into a culture of fun and creation. On June 30, 2021 the global team got together to present this year’s first FedEx Day — making it the third over a period of two years (the last two being May 2020 and December 2020).  And this time, one aspect in particular made it super fun: it was customer-experience centric. I guess that comes with our continuing momentum to help our …

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ConnectALL’s Second FedEx Day: Innovation at the Highest Level

In Business Innovation, Business Value by Soumya Menon

After the successful launch of ConnectALL’s first FedEx Day in May 2020, we executed our second 24-hour event in December 2020. And this time it was unimaginably innovative. It came with the continuing momentum and the growth and success that came along in 2020. As you may already know, a FedEx Day is a 24-hour event that allows employees to contribute innovative ideas to their company. And like its namesake, participants have to deliver their ideas overnight. The goal of a FedEx Day is to boost motivation and creativity. And, if all goes well, the company has new features to add to its products.