September 19, 2019
Stop wasting time copying and pasting tickets. Say no to manual efforts, collaborate better, and solve customer issues faster using the ConnectALL Integration Platform.
How can enterprises make sure that their customer service and development teams get complete visibility into customer issues and resolve them faster? When you integrate Jira and ServiceNow using ConnectALL, all tickets from ServiceNow automatically synchronize to Jira and all the entities and details associated with the tickets synchronize back to Jira.
At this live webinar, you will learn how integrating Jira and ServiceNow will:
- Help users collaborate better and get complete visibility into customer requirements, enabling faster business decisions
- Give real-time access to customer issues and priorities, and updates on resolutions
- Enable traceability of requirements across the ALM tool chain
- Eliminate manual efforts
Ask our experts all your questions at the end of the session.
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Head of Content Marketing at ConnectALL, responsible for communication and content marketing strategy. For two decades, I’ve assisted businesses to integrate content marketing into their marketing plans to achieve their business goals. I specialize in creating and developing content (inbound and outbound) across various online and offline channels from websites, blogs, and social media to email marketing and marketing communication collateral.